Saturday, August 17, 2013

In the eye's of our patients...

I posted this video a few weeks ago..if you can't see it at work, please watch it at home...
Sometimes as health care workers we get caught up in the many processes that comes with the territory.  We are focused on documenting in the charts, hurrying up to get a patient chest x-ray done, speedily trying to fax lab results, going from meeting to meeting to make strategic plans, texting a friend instead of working,  not answering the phone during shift change, etc.  We all sometimes fail to realize the purpose of the work we do here.  This is collectively coming together and providing outstanding patient care for our #1 priority...our customer, the patient.  Even if you have no patient contact, your job affects the patient some how, some way...there are no exceptions to this rule. 
A simple way to help with this is a process called AIDET.  Or:
Acknowledge — Greet people with a smile and use their names if you know them. Attitude is everything. Create a lasting impression.
Introduce — Introduce yourself to others politely. Tell them who you are and how you are going to help them. Escort people where they need to go rather than pointing or giving directions.
Duration — Keep in touch to ease waiting times. Let others know if there is a delay and how long it will be. Make it better and apply service recovery methods when necessary. (we will be adding said recovery methods in the future)
Explanation — Advise others what you are doing, how procedures work and whom to contact if they need assistance. Communicate any steps they may need to take. Make words work. Talk, listen and learn. Make time to help. Ask, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Thank You — Thank somebody. Foster an attitude of gratitude. Thank people for their patronage, help or assistance. The phrase "Thank you for choosing MPMC" should be ingrained in every ones customer service skills. 
As you can see this process is based on communication skills.  This is interesting in that majority of the issues that arise in almost all industries and personal lives are communication related.  Just remember at all times try to view your work through the yes of our patients and ask yourself..."How would this look to me if I were coming through MPMC for care". 

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