Yesterday was the Service Excellence Advisors’ (SEA) graduation ceremony, and it was a great event to kick off this team of frontline workers’ journey into the realm of teaching service excellence to all MPMC staff. Members of the administrative team spent two hours yesterday morning in a question-and-answer session, and I believe I speak for the entire administrative team when I say that the SEA members are going to make MPMC shine!
It was awesome to feel the positive enthusiasm in the air during the event. The team is truly passionate about its work, and the advisors are eager to roll out the program. Thank you to the Service Excellence Advisors for their hard work! Speaking personally, I truly believe they will have a positive influence on our operations and that everyone will want to follow their lead in this initiative.
One important topic we have been discussing
recently is the Centura Health (CH) management contract agreement. The goal was
to sign this at the March 26 board meeting. However, as we mentioned in the Connect
with Cole meetings, MPMC’s bondholders sent a consultant out to assess the
overall operational and financial health of MPMC. All parties have decided to
put the signing on hold until this report comes out, which is expected to be in
the next week or so. MPMC has had nothing but positive communications with the
consultant, and the leadership team feels confident about the impending report.
One very good piece of news is that
Medicaid has sent MPMC notification that MPMC has been underpaid for quite a
while. Medicaid failed to adjust their reimbursement models to the current
models. This means that MPMC will be getting a total reimbursement of about
$650,000 over the next couple of months. This is great news and puts MPMC in a
better financial position!
Another good note is that MPMC was
in the black for month of February to the tune of about $88,000. Also, upfront
cash collections have drastically increased from $80,000 in January to $125,000
in February. We are approaching the $125,000 mark already for the month of
March. This is huge for our bottom line.
The revenue cycle is seeing vast
improvements. Kudos to Jodi Docheff and the Patient Financial Services and
intake staff, Patti Bushey and Health Information Management staff, Bethanie
Reynolds and Mary Jo Hargadine and the entire nursing staff!
We are making gains, and we know
this is no small part due to the team effort we are all exuding. Thank you,
everyone, and keep up the great work!